Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sex ed: forbidden?

So, I understand that my employer expects all computer use to be work related. I get that certain social networking sites are blocked simply because they offer the option of "chat/messaging" even though some actual "chat/messaging" programs are not blocked. I even get that some random sites I've attempted to access in the context of research are blocked because of perceived content (pornography etc.). But, why, specifically is "Sex Education" listed as a reason to block a site? If the forbidden topic were "You're at Work So You Don't Need to Be Looking this Up Here", I could understand. But to click on an article about Planned Parenthood's philanthropic work in Peru and be blocked because I might learn something about the birds and the bees (of which we have both here at my esteemed place of employ) seems ridiculous.

Of course, I also feel that it is ludicrous that certain sites are blocked because of "Gay/Lesbian Issues". What kind of crazed conservative developed this firewall? I can access the hateful, bigoted "Family Research Council", but heaven forbid I try to check out who's on the mainstage at St. Louis' Pridefest.

I just don't get it.

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